Take 100% responsibility for what you do and don’t do.
Take 100% responsibility for the consequences of your acts.
Take 100% responsibility for your judgments of others and turn them around, seeing how they reflect you.
Take 100% responsibility for your reactions to what others do.
Take 100% responsibility for the misery in your life.
Take 100% responsibility for the joy in your life.
Take 100% responsibility for not doing what you love to do.
Take 100% responsibility for doing what you DON’T enjoy.
Take 100% responsibility for saying “yes” when you feel a “no”.
Take 100% responsibility for saying “no” when you feel a “yes”.
Take 100% responsibility for not acting on your gut feeling.
Take 100% responsibility for being exactly who you are.
Take 100% responsibility for how you deal with EVERYTHING.
Take 100% responsibility for not taking responsibility.
Take 100% responsibility for your health.
Take 100% responsibility for what is and isn’t working in your life.
Take 100% responsibility for who you keep company with.
Take 100% responsibility for the “seeds” you plant in your life and what grows from them.
Take 100% responsibility for all the little things that happen in your life, as well as the big ones.
Take 100% responsibility for what you eat and drink.
Take 100% responsibility for what you see and don’t see, hear and don’t hear, and feel and don’t feel.
Even if you take 99%, that other 1% will run your life by creating blame, resentment, dependence, misery…and perpetual disappointment! So why not go all the way to 100% and experience what happens in your life! It may look impossible, and yet it is the ONLY WAY to be FREE!
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