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Showing posts from November, 2011

how many facebook friend is many???

It’s the internet world now, so you can speak to anyone anywhere in the world — right? Blog away, and every Tom, Dick and Harriet from Anchorage to Cape Town can admire your wit, marvel at your wisdom and might even offer a comment in return. Sign them up to your Facebook site, where you can now boast 300, 500, 1,000 friends. But how well do you really know all these people? Would you really respond with a cheque for £50 to an e-mail plea from one of them? OK, OK, I know a surprising number of people get hoodwinked by 15-year-old Nigerian spammers on a cranky old village internet connection, but I’ll warrant that most of you aren’t so gullible — and it’s precisely because you don’t treat everyone on your Facebook list as equally worthy of interest. The bottom line is that our social worlds are actually very small. It’s easy to add friends to your social network site (or SNS in the trade), but it’s another thing whether you’d really lay down your life for all of them. The

how to identify (You are Nepali when ....)

You look up when you hear an airplane. - You point with your lips. - Whenever you meet someone you ask, “bhaath khaayao? ("Have you had your food?" ) - You meet someone in a movie hall and ask, "cinema herna aayeko?” (Here to watch a movie?”) - You call all action movies " action pack!!!!" - You know the three Ds of partying. i.e - dance, drink and dangdung (fist/khukuri fight). - You think all festivals mean relatives playing cards and getting drunk. - You cannot drink without chicken chilly and momos. - You think chilly chicken and momo are nepali food. - You are crossing a one way street and you have to check both sides. (debre ani daine) - You get annoyed when people think you are from Nepal. - Your relatives give you money whenever you visit them. ( even when you are 40) - You sing or atleast hum “Ghaam paani, ghaam paani…” everytime it drizzles while the sun’s still shining. ( even when you are 80) - When you see a pair of slippers upside down (ulta c

21 things a Nepali does after coming to Sydney

   1. Even after 2 months, complaints about “Jet Lag”.    2. Checks nepalnews, cybernepal and other nepali sites every day every hour if they are not employed.    3. Wear dark shades inside the train and stair at the girls’ boobs.    4. Speaks all national languages wherever they can like f** m**F etc etc    5. When unemployed says this is the worst place to be .. when they get job and money they drank and party.    6. Tries to figure all the prices in Dollars as far as possible (but deep down the heart multiplies by 55).    7. Start searching HI5 for Nepali chicks.    8. Tries to make Aussie girlfriend then Chinese then Nepali then anything that walks.    9. Search for cheapest place for hair cut.   10. Ask people for there nationality then how long they live here for then things they do then several other question until they get annoyed.   11. Goes to Habor Bridge or Opera house then take a picture. The only proof of being in Sydney.   12. Tries to get credit card.   13. Drinks a

मैले देखेका युवा

11/03/2010 महेश बस्नेत अध्यक्ष, युवा संघ नेपाल युथफोर्स प्रमुख युवा सहरका हुन् या गाउँका । उनीहरूका रहर र सपना एकै प्रकारका हुन्छन् । वातावरण, आर्थिक अवस्था र परिस्थित फरक भए पनि सबै युवा आफ्नो भविष्यप्रति चिन्तित पाएको छु, मैले । खासगरी गाउँका युवामा गाउँमै बसेर केही गर्ने र बाँकी जीवनयापन गर्ने भन्ने सोचमा बदलाव देखिएको छ । अपवादबाहेक अधिकांश युवा गाउँतिरै बसियो भने आफ्नो उमेर र समय खेर गएको ठान्दै छन् । उनीहरूका अभिभावक पनि 'छोरा सहर जाओस् र धेरै पैसा कमाओस्' भन्ने चाहन्छन् । यता बसेर उन्नति हुँदैन, जसरी जुनै पनि प्रकारले होस् उनीहरू सहर पस्न चाहन्छन् र सुखी जीवनको कल्पना गर्छन् । गाउँको बाबुबाजेको जमिन छाडेर, आफैँ पौरख गर्ने सोचले सहर पसेको युवा जमात ठूलो छ । सूचना र सञ्चारको विकास यसरी भइरहेको छ कि अब युवालाई 'सहर र गाउँको' भनेर वर्गीकरण गरिरहनुपर्दैन । बरु उनीहरूका सपनाचाहिँ सहरका गल्लीतिरै रमाउने हुन्छन् । गाउँमा भएको पछिल्लो द्रूतगतिको विकासले के देखाउँछ भने 'सहर गाउँमै पस्यो' । सहरलाई 'छुट्टै सहर' भनिरहनुपर्दैन । सहरका सुविधा ग

Relationships Are Containers For Growth

The most difficult relationships in our lives come bearing wonderful fruit. Relationships are containers for our growth. Some people come into our lives only for a moment, some for a longer period of time and some for our entire life. Whatever the duration, it matters not, each person is sent by The Uni-verse for our education and edification. It is easy and normal to enjoy the great relationships in our lives. Our best friends, our lover, our family (well for some of us) provide wonderful experiences for us. It is easy to be grateful and see how mostly positive relationships benefit us. But our focus today isn't on those relationships. Our focus today is on the negative and "toxic" relationships that we have. There is soooo much for us to learn in these circumstances. When we do not experience love, it is because we are not bringing love the situation. Wait, what? You might be thinking that you bring all kinds of love to certain people and all they do is treat y


Have you every thought about the three time zones of the mind? There is the past, the future and the present. Our minds can only retain one thought at a time, so we determine which mind-zone we want to be in. U are either stuck in how to process your past, OR dreaming how to improve your future. The problem with that is you are missing the most important time of your life. TODAY! There are several reasons we live in the mind-zones of the past and the future. Let's explore why we spend so much time there. Living in the past? Life as a Victim: Since being a victim is subjective, no one can challenge or refute your feelings. It is your experience and your supposition therefore it is true. But just because you feel it and can justify it does not make it true. This mind-zone allows you an excuse for your circumstance and behavior, but never really allows you the freedom to enjoy your life. Life as the Hero: If you've had a successful past, it is a safe and glorious place t

Take 100% responsibility for your life.

Take 100% responsibility for what you do and don’t do. Take 100% responsibility for the consequences of your acts. Take 100% responsibility for your judgments of others and turn them around, seeing how they reflect you. Take 100% responsibility for your reactions to what others do. Take 100% responsibility for the misery in your life. Take 100% responsibility for the joy in your life. Take 100% responsibility for not doing what you love to do. Take 100% responsibility for doing what you DON’T enjoy. Take 100% responsibility for saying “yes” when you feel a “no”. Take 100% responsibility for saying “no” when you feel a “yes”. Take 100% responsibility for not acting on your gut feeling. Take 100% responsibility for being exactly who you are. Take 100% responsibility for how you deal with EVERYTHING. Take 100% responsibility for not taking responsibility. Take 100% responsibility for your health. Take 100% responsibility for what is and isn’t working in your life. Take 100% responsibility

just me nothing else