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Showing posts from December, 2011

Tibetian A to Zen of Life

A- avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits B- believe in yourself and succeed C- consider things from every angle D- don’t give up and don’t give in E- enjoy life today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come F- friends and family are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches G- give more than you planned to H- have major league fun I- ignore those who try to discourage you J- just do it K- keep trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier L- love yourself first and most M- make it happen N- never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal O- open your eyes and see things as they really are P- practice makes perfect Q- quitters never win and winners never quit R- read study and learn about everything important in your life S- stop procrastinating T- take control of your own destiny U- understand yourself in order to better understand others V- visualize it and focus W- want it more than anything X- xcellerate your efforts Y- you are uniqu
Osho Quotes on Relationship Intimacy with one woman or one man is better than having many superficial relationships. Love is not a seasonal flower, it takes years to grow. And only when it grows does it go beyond biology, and start having something of the spiritual in it. Just being with many women or many men will keep you superficial — entertained maybe, but superficial; occupied certainly, but that occupation is not going to help in inward growth. But a one-to-one relationship, a sustained relationship so that you can understand each other more closely, is tremendously beneficial. If you are having many relationships you will not be able to dive deep into the psyche of the woman. And that is the only thing that is needed: to know your own inner feminine part. Relationship becomes a mirror. The woman starts looking into you and starts finding her own masculine part; the man looks into the woman and starts discovering his own femininity. And the more you become aware of y

Osho Quotes on Living Consciously

The way of living unconsciously is called by Buddha the dark way. And the way of living consciously, attentively, moment to moment, bringing your consciousness to each act, each small act, each detail, is the way of light. From birth to death you go on living, groping in darkness with no light — and you could have created the light. You cannot find it in the scriptures; nobody can hand it to you. It is not purchased or sold; it is nontransferable. But you can create it — you can put all your energies together. You can start living consciously from this very moment. If you are living in an unconscious way it makes no difference whether you live to seventy, eighty, ninety, a hundred; it does not matter. Living consciously even for a single moment is enough. A stupid person behaves mechanically: an intelligent person behaves consciously. Consciousness means living with a witness; unconsciousness means living without a witness. When you are walking on the road, you can walk con

Osho Quotes on Life

This moment, here and now, is the time to taste life. Death is the ultimate mystery. That gift is given only to those who have lived really intensely, who have burned their torch of life from both the ends together. Only then it happens sometimes that in a single moment of intensity the whole life is revealed. In a single moment of total intensity, the whole eternity opens its doors to you, you are welcomed by God. Life is an absurdity — it is a mystery. You need not search for meaning, you have just to live it, enjoy it. Life is not a fasting, it is a continuous feast — a celebration, a festival of lights. Love transforms your life into a festival of lights. And unless your life becomes a feast and a festival, remember: you have not done the thing you have come for on this earth. Life should not be taken as a problem. Once you start that way you are lost. Once you think life is a problem it can never be solved. That’s how philosophy moves — and that’s how philosophy always moves wrong